December 2010 President’s Letter: Winter Driving Judging

Alert: We need your winter vehicles!

Cars are getting better and better, which makes assessing them more challenging. So we’ve amped up our New England Winter Vehicle Awards to make the competition more fair—and more rigorous.

We have drawn up a checklist of features that we feel every capable winter car should have, from ABS and anti-spin technology to heated seats and wing mirrors, plus bonus options such as AWD or 4WD, remote starters, heated steering wheels and more. (And let’s not forget proper tires.) Each Winter Vehicle entry will be evaluated in part by using this list.

Upon request, we’ll send carmakers our checklist, to help you equip your cars for this competition. In addition to these features, NEMPA will of course also consider handling, response, road feel and other important intangibles.

We need your winter cars now so that our jury can get quality seat time in them. To submit vehicles or to request the checklist, please contact John Lawlor at Automotion (508-378-3023 or [email protected]) ASAP.

Ralph Gilles, president of Dodge, and Jeep vice-president Jim Morrison have already made a significant commitment of vehicles to the Winter Car test fleet. They’re eager to demonstrate their new product; we’re eager to do our part. If you don’t enter, you can’t win.

We’re working hard to make these awards more meaningful. In addition, NEMPA members will devote more of their columns, blogs, features and TV and radio time to the results. Our audiences want to know!

Best wishes for the holidays,

Ezra Dyer, President
Keith Griffin, Vice-President

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